In Maryland, students now have a digital portfolio that tells their story and...
- begins at age 14, during middle school
- caters to multiple learning styles
- encourages student self-reflection
- allows students to see personal growth by developing motivation and self-confidence
- provides a strengths-based perspective
Students create their Maryland Transition Digital Portfolio to...
- track their progress on their transition goals
- navigate their post-school activities
- customize career and post-school pathways based on their strengths and needs
- use cutting-edge technology that demonstrate their abilities, interests, and progress
Students use their Maryland Transition Digital Portfolio across the transition planning process...
- as a vehicle to showcase their employability skills and experiences toward obtaining employment
- as a repository of necessary documents to apply for college
- as a way to prioritize their steps to be self-sufficient and independent (e.g, living on your own, travel independence, understanding your personal finances)